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Baking, Cookies, Desserts

Peach Cobbler Cookies

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A weird thing has occurred: I’ve lost my sweet tooth. Oh, the irony. A baker who eats one bite of dessert. It’s true, dear readers. As I’ve grown up, my desire for sugar has diminished. Good for the waist line, and even better for my friends and family who get […]

Baking, Desserts, Italian


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Biscotti are twice-baked cookies that will totally rock your world. I use Giada DeLaurentiis’ recipe, which features chocolate chips and anise seed. If you are using whole anise seed, be sure to grind it in a spice grinder or using a mortal and pestle. Ground anise is easily found in […]

Baking, Cake, Desserts

Aunt Dolly’s Blueberry Tea Cake

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Yeah. You read it right. I have an Aunt Dolly. Unfortunately, this awesome lady passed away many years ago. She was my Mommom Sacco’s sister. And, Aunt Dolly was known for her baking prowess. Each year around this time when the blueberries are in full effect in my parts of […]


Easy Peasy Blueberry Muffins

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Muffins are one of the easiest of baking tasks, in my humble opinion. For one, you don’t need a mixer. You just whisk things and use a wooden spoon. You just need one mixing bowl. There’s no icing involved. And they often utilize fresh ingredients of the season. Which is […]