Latest Recipes

Baking, Cookies, Desserts, Holiday, Italian

Ricotta Cookies

Ricotta Cookies. I’ve been making these guys forevs. The recipe comes from the Ye Olde Woman’s Civic Club of Hammonton Cookbook that lived in my mom’s kitchen for 40 years. They are requested by the fam for many occasion – holiday or religious festivity. This batch is ginormous, so make them for a large crowd. They are quite perishable, so bake them close to when needed. Store on wax or […]

Baking, Cookies, Desserts

Confessions of a Pizzelle Guru

Truth: Baking and cooking are the only holiday chores that do not make my blood pressure rise. So it is with great joy that I can share with you holiday cookie deliciousness. Elvis on the stereo, leopard ho-ho-ho hat slightly askew, wine on the side and the kid tucked snug in his bed, visions of Legos and X-box dancing in his head. Now, this. This the Jersey Girl can deal […]

Baking, Cookies, Desserts

Brownie Cookie Mashup

Brownies as cookies are my new fave thing. This recipe is absolutely fabulous, and so easy to whip up. Salted Brownie Cookies comes from the amazing site called Beyond the Butter. My tips for success are to bake each sheet one at a time. Check the brownie cookies around 8 minutes to ensure they aren’t overbaking. Use a skinny metal spatula to remove from the baking pans after cooling. Definitely […]

American, Holiday, Main, Thanksgiving

Turkey Talk

 OK. Thanksgiving season is upon us. You’re either yaying or wigging out. I’m kind of both.  I’ve been hosting Thanksgiving for many years now. So, I’m presenting my tips for a fabulous turkey. I mean, look at this yummy plate above!  You too can make this deliciousness happen! Be sure to read this well ahead of Thanksgivng. Fresh and frozen large turkeys should be hanging out in your fridge at […]

Appetizers, French, Soups

French Onion Soup

French Onion Soup is a fave around here. Over the years, I have perfected my recipe. I strongly recommend using a mixture of red and yellow onions. The red onions give a nice spicy pop. Gruyere cheese is the classic cheese for the topping. Shred it when it’s cold for an easier shredding process. Toast your baguette before placing it on top of each bowl of soup. And I must […]