Tag: mushrooms

Main, Vegetarian

Veggie Fried Rice

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In my little family of three, leftovers happen. So when I have a bit of cooked rice on hand, I love to whip up this Veggie Fried Rice dish as a nice lunch or light dinner. I pretty much have all the ingredients at all times – the prepper that […]

Soups, Vegetarian

Hot and Sour Soup

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One of the side effects of being a food snob is that takeout eats make a rare appearance on my kitchen table. This is also the result of being a control freak, a lova of cooking and a gal who rocks some killer food allergies. But, a hankering for Chinese […]


Nostalgia: Beef Barley Soup

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My Mom’s Beef Barley Soup is packed with so much goodness. The veggies, the meat, the barley, the broth – total comforting perfection. This is the perfect time of year to make this soup. Enjoy!

Chicken, Main, Pasta, Uncategorized

Chicken Marsala

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Super yay! My Chicken Marsala is EVERYTHING. I just started making this because The Husband and The Kiddo revealed that they do in fact enjoy a mushroom or two. They loved this dish very much. I think the sprig of rosemary really elevates the flavor. Do not omit that! Many […]

Main, Meat, Vegetables

Beef Veggie Stir Fry

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Parents often say their kids won’t eat anything. Fights. Hunger strikes. Terrorist negotiations. Oh yes, dinner can be a nightmare for many adults trying to just get through to bedtime with their beloved offspring. Allow me to present a solution, dear desperate readers: Stir fry. Yes, stir fry them into […]