Tag: peppers

Main, Vegetarian

Veggie Fried Rice

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In my little family of three, leftovers happen. So when I have a bit of cooked rice on hand, I love to whip up this Veggie Fried Rice dish as a nice lunch or light dinner. I pretty much have all the ingredients at all times – the prepper that […]

Chicken, Main, Vegetables

Sheet Pan Din Greek Style

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The problem with sheet pan dinners – in my humble opinion – is that they elements do not always cook evenly, despite what the recipe claims. I find this to be the case especially when potatoes are involved. But dear readers, this Greek Chicken Thighs and Veggie Sheet Pan Bake […]

Main, Meat, Vegetables

Beef Veggie Stir Fry

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Parents often say their kids won’t eat anything. Fights. Hunger strikes. Terrorist negotiations. Oh yes, dinner can be a nightmare for many adults trying to just get through to bedtime with their beloved offspring. Allow me to present a solution, dear desperate readers: Stir fry. Yes, stir fry them into […]

Chicken, Main, Mexican, Seafood

Chicken and Shrimp Fajitas

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Mexican Night is always a win at mi casa. While tacos are our standby, I decided to shake things up recently with Chicken and Shrimp Fajitas. My marinade below makes enough for 2 pounds of protein. I did 1 pound chicken and 1 pound shrimp. The chicken can marinate from […]

Main, Salads, Seafood

Greek Salad with Roasted Salmon

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Salad for dinner is a hit in my house. Greek Salad with Roasted Salmon is easy to prepare and a beautiful meal that has something for everyone. You can change your veggies to suit the tastes of the players in your family. An arranged salad platter makes it easy for […]