Tag: pomodoro

Italian, Main, Pasta, Sauce

Pomodoro Sauce, Baby!

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Oh, ok. Butter is a bit magical in a tomato sauce.  Here is Pomodoro Sauce from Rachael Ray’s “Everyone is Italian on Sunday.” When I read the recipe, it seemed really interesting to me as it includes ingredients I never ever use in my marinara: butter and a cheese rind. […]

Italian, Pasta

Gnocchi Pomodoro

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So this is only the best dish ever: Gnocchi in Pomodoro Sauce. You can of course just use store bought gnocchi, but I’m including the recipe I use to make homemade gnocchi. It is the method by Giada DeLaurentiis. It’s not as hard as you think. For reals. Interestingly, the […]