Appetizers, Salads

Eggplant Only in My Dreams

One of the benefits of my insomnia is that I dream colossal epic dreams that I remember quite vividly upon waking up no less than three times per night usually over a 6-to-7 hour rest, if you can call it that. Tossing and turning to settle; craving water; trying to find zen after crazy adrenaline triggered by copious amounts of asthma meds; dozing in and out; waking up to use the potty; tucking in the sheets; feeling hot; feeling cold; stretching; uber focusing on every creak, snore, breath that torments my ears as signs that others are at rest while my non-stop mind is not; pep talking to psyche myself up for some shut eye; making mental lists; worrying; fluffing pillows; pacing; refilling my water glass; anticipating the drill-like sound of the alarm (which I always beat by waking up before its shock-to-the-system buzz). This pretty much sums up my daily sleep situation for my whole entire existence. About once every month or two, I will crash and burn, sleeping hard and unscathed until like 10:30 in the morning. Then I wake up startled, heart racing, wondering what in the hell just happened.

My dreams stay with me for very long periods of time. I feel like this is a blessing because so many people forget their dreams instantly. I have dreamt of my deceased grandmothers; I knew I was having a baby boy without a doubt because of my dreams; I dream of people I haven’t seen in ages and then that day I see them; I dream multi-chaptered dreams of my friends and family. And I remember so much. Plot lines. Character development. Dialogue. Costumes. Sets. The twists and turns. So many details. It’s a bit trippy. But I accept this as my sleep reality: Little sleep and a whole lot to think about.

Last night, I dreamt of this: Eggplant on a bed of arugula, topped with goat cheese, a plum tomato salad and a drizzle of balsamic. The colors, the plating, the taste – all there in my dream. Vividly. I woke up wanting to eat this immediately. Of course, I needed to make this happen ASAP.

My dreams always mean something. I think. Probably not. Although, I have read that people who remember their dreams more than three times per week are considered out-of-the-ordinary genius masterminds as opposed to common folk who actually sleep a solid eight hours, feel well-rested and remember nada.

So clearly I am a major rock star omniscient smarty pants.

I tell this to myself daily as I walk into rooms with a purpose, the task at hand slipping from my mind in a blink of an eye. Why am I here? I’m so existential. Or when I leave the grocery store only to immediately create a new list of items because I forgot this or that.  Or when I run back to the house halfway down the street to double check that I locked the door or to grab my phone mocking me from the kitchen island.  But, but, but…. I’m a dream erudite. Who cares if I’m a total moron in real life.

So, Summer Eggplant Salad. That’s what I’m calling this dish. It is a wonderful salad fit for a dinner party or a fancy shindig or just you and The Husband on a Monday. Cause that’s how we do. You can prepare the tomato salad and grill the eggplant ahead of time. And then plate it right before serving. I love how this dish highlights so many Jersey Fresh goodies at this time of year: Eggplant, tomatoes, basil and parsley. The goat cheese and balsamic are some decadence thrown in for good measure.

Summer Eggplant Salad

Recipe by Susan LeiserCourse: Appetizers, SaladsDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time




  • For the eggplant layer
  • 1 medium-large eggplant, cut into 8 to 10 half-inch thick slices

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • For the tomato salad layer
  • 4 plum tomatoes, diced

  • 1/4 cup red onion, minced

  • 2 Tbsp. fresh basil, minced

  • 2 Tbsp. fresh parsley, minced

  • 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

  • For salad assembly
  • 8 grilled eggplant slices

  • Tomato salad

  • 4 cups baby arugula

  • 8 Tbsp. fresh goat cheese

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Balsamic vinegar


  • For the eggplant layer
  • Preheat grill pan over medium-high heat.
  • Brush each side of eggplant slices with olive oil. Season each side with salt and pepper to taste. 
  • Grill each side of eggplant for 6 to 10 minutes per side until nicely marked. Set aside.
  • For the tomato salad
  • Gently mix all ingredients in a bowl. Set aside.
  • To assemble eggplant salad
  • On eight salad plates, place 1/2 cup of baby arugula. Season with a drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.
  • On top of arugula, place a slice of eggplant.
  • On top of each eggplant slice, place one Tbsp. of goat cheese.
  • Spoon 1/4 cup of tomato salad onto the goat cheese. Lightly drizzle 1/2 tsp. of balsamic vinegar onto each finished plate.
  • Serve and enjoy!

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